A Woman||Princess to the King
Daughter||Sister||Wifey||Ayden's Mom
Faith, Hope & Love

woman on duty + quit soon

Tinggal 4 hari lagi.

Xsabar rasanya nak bhenti kerja. so hard bha. after 3weeks trying harder to improve my sell tetiba jak my boss suruh pindah, jaga kedai baru. new kiosk. ALONE. Entahlah, dahlah kiosk ni sebelah kiosk yang lagi power,
dia open g. betul2 tak strategik. terus tiada sell untuk 4 ari ini. then semalam berjaya jual 2 items, but the story didnt comes out happily. 

salah jual. terus hilang rm20.00

Apa ya yang my boss akan buat? terus tertanya2 jak since last night.

1. ptong gaji
2. marah!
4. quit?

Entahlah. dalam otak da decide nak bhenti this friday. FRIDAY, the last day i am having a hard time in this kiosk. bye2 then.

Ohya, this coming sunday, me and my friends will go to MANUKAN ISLAND..
dunno what will happen, hope the weather are good and everything goes rite.

cant wait to be there. 
My dear reader.. 
wait for the pictures. will BE uploaded it soon.

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