Aloha peeps! I got no class today...hence, I went out for lunch at 1 Borneo, alone. Yeah, ALONE.
Seems not right isn't. I really don't like the feeling of-ALONE. But, there is no other choice since everyone have their own hectic schedule. My beauties room-mates, lyla & lyna, got morning to afternoon classes and I end-up eating my meal alone at McDonald 1Borneo. Then, I went for a little groceries shopping at Giant Mall located just beside the McDonald straight after I finished my lonelier-lunch. I spent few minutes there and bought some food-stocks for the three of us. Getting bored and lonelier walking alone, I decided to back home and goes up to ground floor via escalator in the middle of McDonald& KFC and went straight to Centre Atrium. Guess what, I saw a crowded-place in the middle.
yupz, the World Press Photo 11 exhibition.
I never went to any this kind of exhibition before, so I walked through the entrance as firstly I saw a beautiful picture shoot by a wellknown photographer named Thomas P.Peschak. I want to give the details about this picture but my handphone couldn't shoot the best, blurred everywhere.![]() |
A very big sorry for the quality, to snap a picture from a printed picture were quite hard. plus, I used 3.2mp handphone-camera. |
But, it is still awesome isn't it.
Strolling through the exhibition aisle, I saw more awesome pictures. Just see below picture.
This picture was taken by Olivier Grunewald. Won 3rd prize Nature Single.
Once again, sorry for the poor quality of image.
I saw a lot more awesome pictures! But, suddenly I saw a strange notices as shown below.
What I mean here is I didn't saw any spectacular pictures as mentioned in the notices. But, curiousity lead me to a semi-closed but still opened aisle of pictures wall where all of the pictures made me trambling and I felt sorrow, deeper sadness and empty inside me while watching the pictures. Yupz, thanks to the photographers, I was able to know a little about what going on somewhere I couldn't reach by my ownself, and I felt it. I got the story behind the pictures. Some of it, but not least. See the pictures below.
Above picture was taken by Andrew Biraj which won the 3rd prize Daily Life Singles. It shows an overcrowded train approaches a railway station in Dhaka, Bangladesh, as more passengers wait to board. Millions of residents of Dhaka were travelling to their home villages to celebrate the Eid al-Adha holiday. Dhaka is fast becoming one of the largest cities in the world. Its present population of 13 million is expected to rise to between 22-25 million by 2020. The rapid population growth has put severe pressure on transport infrastruture. -Exhition.
I wonder hows our story in Sabah.
As for above pic, it won 2nd Prize General News Stories which photographed by Massino Berruti. It shows a situation that occurs in Pakistan with over 1,100 violent deaths recorded by October 2010. The cause of the killings remain obscure but it appears to be a mix of political, religious, and criminal violence. Some observers blame rivalry between parties that have their electoral bases in different ethnic groups in the city. Others say the violence is linked to criminal gangs, allegedly controlled by major political parties. Sectarian conflict between Shia and Sunni Muslim communities has also been blamed.
While for the its next picture was taken by Corentin Fohlen, won 2nd prie Spot News Stories. It shows the situation when the Red Shirt protestors clash with Thai government fores in mid-May in the Silom commercial district of Bangkok. The clashes were part of a two-month stand-off between the Red Shirts and authorities. Thailand had been gripped by political unrest since Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was ousted in a millitary group in September 2006. Elections in 2008 had placed Abhisit Vejjajiva, the Democratic Party leader, in power. But the Red Shirts, coming largely from among the rural poor who had benefited from Thaksin Shinawatra's policies, opposed him. Protestors hurled rocks and set fire to tires in the street. Troops and the police countered with rubber bullets, tear gas, and live ammunition. On 19 May, Red Shirts leaders surreder, telling their supporters to end the protest. Even after the call to surrender, some demonstrators said they would fight on. By the time unrest finally died down at the end of May, over 80 people had been killed and some 2,000 injured.-Exhibiton.
I've got plenty more pictures but I couldn't upload it. Some errors occured! Or maybe the website wouldn't allow people to post about these exhibitions pictures? What on earth to be that way. There is no single notice said so. No, I didn't saw any of it. So I just took so many pictures of it and uploaded it here, for goodness, to share it all with my friends. I keep trying on posting this entry and somehow it worked out. For more clearly info and views, especially for those who interested in this kind-of-exhibition, don't miss it. Go to 1 Borneo Hypermall and enjoy it with yourselves. Thanks for reading it peeps, together we saw, read, understanding and feels it for better future. Bye
p/s: If can, I'll upload the other pictures soon. The pictures taken from many natural disasters. I felts so damned sorry for those who involved in this kind of problems. May God bless them!
Above picture was taken by Daniel Berehulak, won 1st Prize in the News Stories. It shows unusually heavy monsoon rains in July triggered the worst flood in Pakistan's history. Beginning in the northern province of Baluchistan, the flood spread throughout the Indus River Basin to Punjab and Sindh in the south. At one point, around one fifth of the country's total land mass was under water. Over 20 million people were directly affected by the floods with up to 1,600 killed, as homes were destroyed and crops and livestock were washed away. The country's infrastructure was devastated as thousands of kilometers of roads and railways were destroyed.
While for the picture shown below, which was also taken by Daniel Berehulak, Won 1st Prie People in the News Stories.
And finally, an end for this entry, a picture taken by Daniel Morel, won 2nd Prize Spot News Singles. This pictures tells the moment when Haitians rescue a woman trapped beneath the rubble int the capital Port-au-Prince, minuets after the earthquake hit on 12 January. The 7.0 quake struck with an epicenter 15KM southwest of the capital, near the town of Leogane. More than 50 aftershocks followed. Some 230,000 people were killed, 300,000 injured and more than a million left homeless. In explaining the extent of the damage, a senior Red Cross official said that it would take the equivalent of 200 trucks a total of 11 years to clear the rubble caused by the earthquake. grateful I am for living just like now. May God bless those involved. Daaa
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Flood victims scramble for food rations in the downwash of a Pakistan army helicopter, during relief operations in Sindh, the worst-hit province, on 13 September. |
While for the picture shown below, which was also taken by Daniel Berehulak, Won 1st Prie People in the News Stories.
Next are pictures by Sarah Elliott, won 3rd Prize Contemporary Issues Stories. This pictures tells about abortion. Abortion is a crime in Kenya, unless the life of the mother is in danger. Penalties run up to seven years in prison for a woman trying to procure a termination, and twice as long as for anyone conducting one. In backstreet establishment untrained practitioners terminate pregnancies using knitting needles, bleach, malaria pills and other non-medical methods. Each year, at least 2,600 Kenyan women die after illegal abortion, and 21,000 are hospitalized with complications from unsafe procedures.
And finally, an end for this entry, a picture taken by Daniel Morel, won 2nd Prize Spot News Singles. This pictures tells the moment when Haitians rescue a woman trapped beneath the rubble int the capital Port-au-Prince, minuets after the earthquake hit on 12 January. The 7.0 quake struck with an epicenter 15KM southwest of the capital, near the town of Leogane. More than 50 aftershocks followed. Some 230,000 people were killed, 300,000 injured and more than a million left homeless. In explaining the extent of the damage, a senior Red Cross official said that it would take the equivalent of 200 trucks a total of 11 years to clear the rubble caused by the earthquake. grateful I am for living just like now. May God bless those involved. Daaa
2 Just Comment Here:
adui em menggerunkan ni pic o..
ya bha.. byk lagi tu, then bila npk printed-pictures yang besar2 tu lg lah..
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comment here peeps. Will love reading it..thanks!! :)