now I finished reading the Berita Harian Online and an article caught my
attention, an article about the application of laser beam into our IC to
prevent the Faking of MyKad. I am excited and looking forward about this new
invention (even though it wasn't our own invention - it is German technology)
future to settle the problem of faking MyKad especially in my own State of
Sabah under the Wind. Maybe, the outsiders don't know about the truth behind
the real truth. I myself know many non-pure sabahan or Malaysian that got their
MyKad from black market. Around 2000, many of them got it only with RM300 and
some other got it free from "someone powerful", as they said. I have
had ask my father once about why so many of them living in our area and
enjoying all the facilities and being proud for having the "fake
MyKad". My dear father said, 'we can do more but we can't do'. WTH, at
first I really not understand the meaning of my father's answer. Completely
blank. But now, I guess I understand it well. Our people can do many things to
ensure that the fake MyKad owner send to the pihak berkuasa and so on so forth
but the fact that we actually can't do it because they got their "BIG BOSS
(someone that powerful in government)" and it is hardly to prove that the MyKad
is fake because our government itself can't provide the way of detecting the
fake MyKad. And more than that, even though they send the fake MyKad owner to
the pihak berkuasa, few days later that people absolutely will came back to my
hometown with a big smile and proud at their face. (FYI, my villagers know it
better that the person initially was a PATI person).
So, I really hope that this new invention of MyKad with applied laser
Beam Technology will be a successful method and I am personally put a hope for
the pihak berkuasa to be more efficient and careful while processing the
ownership of MyKad as the people knowledges also increases as the time.
2 Just Comment Here:
hha i check this is at SPR, name which appeared is Liew SIew Ngoh
I checked
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comment here peeps. Will love reading it..thanks!! :)